Our Services


Centralized Digital Signing System leaflet 01 preview
At CertLei, we offer a powerful solution that combines the credibility of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) with eye-catching emblems. Our unique CertLei emblems showcase essential information, making trust simple and payments easy. Our emblem with embedded LEI information prominently displays your company’s verified status, company name in local and English, and country of origin. With this visual representation, establish credibility and gain recognition across the globe.


Centralised Digital Signing System

Centralized Digital Signing System leaflet 01 preview
With the Centralized Digital Signing (CDS) Server, the task of issuing electronic PDF documents that proudly bear a signature trusted by Adobe® is made simpler and more efficient. Support Hongkong Post e-Cert (Personal) / (Organisational) with "Mutual Recognition" Status (“MR e-Cert”) which is trusted by Adobe to digitally sign documents in PDF format.



ehp verifier
Our services enable any third party ("verifier") to check, in real-time, to confirm the authenticity of an electronic document or certificate purportedly generated by one party ("issuer") and held or being used by another party ("holder").


For example, an university ("issuer") might produce a digital record of a student's academic results that, when presented by that student ("holder") with such record, a prospective employer ("verifier") would be able to instantly check whether it is genuine.
Our services make use of a cloud-based platform and applications -- including smartphone apps -- that interact with it. Our platform uses block-chain technology to store -- on a totally distributed, fragmented, secure and anonymous basis -- digital documents or certificates generated by "issuers" whose identities we have previously verified. Our applications enable such "issuers" as well as "holders" and "verifiers" to interact with this platform for uploading, viewing and/or confirming the accuracy of the stored digital documents or certificates.
To ensure that our services are trusted, we leverage on relationships with Certizen Limited -- an entity whose operations are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong SAR -- as well as regulatory authorities elsewhere if appropriate to ensure that only those "issuers" whose identities have been properly and regularly vetted would be able to upload electronic documents or certificates onto our platform.


"Your personal digital butler"
In the new era of digital transformation, MyeHealthPass application (MyeHealthPass) is committed to providing users with professional, comprehensive, and efficient channel for electronic credential management. 

MyeHealthPass is an application authorized by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSARG) to verify the COVID-19 Vaccination Record QR Code. The application users can enjoy a convenient registration and payment process under the condition of privacy protection and ensure compliance with the HKSARG vaccination requirements under the vaccine pass.



Apply cross-border mutual authentication certificates in cross-border, remote, secure and instant securities account opening, combined with efficient biometrics and UnionPay card data identification, to achieve instant mainland China customer authentication. The entire cross-border remote account opening system infrastructure can be expanded to different fields, such as Virtual banking, insurance, medical, e-commerce services, etc.



The e-Cert TOKEN is paired with the Hong Kong Post Certification Authority e-Cert (Organisational) "Mutual Recognition Version"
The Hongkong Post Certification Authority certificate has been pre-installed in the Adobe Approved Trust List ("AATL"). The signed PDF document contains an electronic signature that is trusted and legally binding by Adobe Reader.

Has participated in the certificate mutual recognition scheme under the "Mutual Recognition Measures for Electronic Signature Certificates between Guangdong and Hong Kong" . Supported operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, Linux